The plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) declared vacant the positions of 266 district public defenders, circuit public defenders and crime victim defenders. This measure was adopted through agreements No. 23 and No. 25 of this Thursday and seeks to fill the positions through the procedures established through the Judicial Career. The measure reaches 193 circuit public defenders, 2 district public defenders and 71 crime victim defenders.
The Panama Passport Authority (APAP) requested applicants for its services to go to the entity unaccompanied, except when the presence of both parents is indispensable, as in the case of passport applications for minors. The request is due to the fact that several positive cases of covid-19 have been detected among its collaborators.This was set forth in Cabinet Decree No. 31 published in the Official Digital Gazette No. 29452-A, this Tuesday, January 11, 2022, in the midst of the fourth wave of the covid-19 pandemic that the country is experiencing.

La Asamblea Nacional aprobó una serie de cambios que introduce cambios en materia de transparencia fiscal internacional.

Author: Jesibel Morales Traveling abroad from Panama for business, vacation or any other reason is simple. However, taking your minor children – considering that the…

La Asamblea Nacional aprobó una serie de cambios que introduce cambios en materia de transparencia fiscal internacional.

La Asamblea Nacional aprobó una serie de cambios que introduce cambios en materia de transparencia fiscal internacional.

Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

La Asamblea Nacional aprobó una serie de cambios que introduce cambios en materia de transparencia fiscal internacional.