The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has invested $102.8 million during the last five years in the widening of the Pacific entrance and deepening, as part of the measures to accelerate ship transits through the waterway and to the ports of Balboa and PSA.
This is part of the response of the ACP Administrator, Ricaurte Vásquez to the note sent by the Panama Maritime Chamber (CMP) in which the union proposed that they sit down to analyze the restrictions in the Pacific to implement measures.
The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has invested $102.8 million during the last five years in the widening of the Pacific entrance and deepening, as part of the measures to accelerate ship transits through the waterway and to the ports of Balboa and PSA.
This is part of the response of the ACP Administrator, Ricaurte Vásquez to the note sent by the Panama Maritime Chamber (CMP) in which the union proposed that they sit down to analyze the restrictions in the Pacific to implement measures.
The Plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) declared unconstitutional articles 7 and 8 of the General Budget of the State, specifically regarding the Judicial Branch and the Public Prosecutor’s Office (Attorney General’s Office and Public Prosecutor’s Office).
Likewise, the Plenary declared unconstitutional Articles 28, 29, 30 and 31 of Law 176 of November 13, 2021, which approved the General State Budget for the fiscal year 2021.
Diversification and added value are the next level that Panamanian exports must reach, according to Víctor Pérez III, who yesterday took over the reins of the Panamanian Exporters Association (APEX), replacing Roberto Tribaldos, who had been at the helm of the guild since 2020.
Last year, Panama’s total exports, excluding shipments from free trade zones, reached US$3.558 billion, surpassing the US$3 billion mark for the first time in history.

La Asamblea Nacional aprobó una serie de cambios que introduce cambios en materia de transparencia fiscal internacional.

La Asamblea Nacional aprobó una serie de cambios que introduce cambios en materia de transparencia fiscal internacional.
The Commission of Labor, Health and Social Development of the National Assembly, presided by Deputy Daniel Ramos, approved Bill 210, which transfers the mandatory day of rest for Shrove Tuesday 2022, to the previous Monday.
The initiative has the purpose of supporting the economy of our country and would only be valid for this year 2022, in which carnivals have been suspended, informed in its Twitter account the National Assembly.
Free trade zones reported historic growth in 2021, overcoming the barriers brought about by the coronavirus respiratory pandemic (Covid-19).
This sector, which for years was catalogued by some of its detractors as a fiscal sacrifice, reported exports for $1.2 billion last year, according to private sector estimates.
Even when the justice system is governed under the rules of the accusatory criminal system, theoretically more agile, and despite the fact that the delay has decreased since 2019, the backlog in the processing of files continues to be one of the main problems of the system, according to experts in the field.
In fact, at least 66 thousand 144 files are pending, and it is the civil jurisdiction in which there is more backlog, with 32 thousand 681 cases
The first vice-president and president of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), Justice Olmedo Arrocha, stated that within the reforms that are being sought to the Civil Code of Panama, is the establishment of a ceiling in the procedural stages in the cases that are attended in this jurisdiction.
He added that what is sought is that there be a “justice in reasonable time”. He specifies that this is one of the components of the due process.