There is a process to register a trademark in Panama, being the main one, the disposition of the trademark.
There is a process to register a trademark in Panama, being the main one, the disposition of the trademark.
The distribution contract is a common alternative for foreign companies seeking to open a market in Panama.
For the dissolution of a corporation in Panama, a series of requirements must be met, as well as the provisions of the new Law 254
A lawsuit of unconstitutionality against some articles of the recently sanctioned Law 284 of February 14, 2022, which regulates the horizontal property regime, was filed this Monday before the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), by the National Bar Association (CNA), through its president Juan Carlos Araúz.
The presentation of this legal resource, according to Araúz, is given after the CNA received different concerns about professionals who practice on their own account.
While other countries around the world have already eliminated the use of masks in both open and closed spaces, in Panama the authorities are just analyzing whether or not to make the use of face masks in open areas compulsory.
The information was confirmed by the Minister of Health, Eyra Ruiz, who indicated that the proposal to eliminate the mandatory use of masks in open spaces in Panama is under analysis.
A lawsuit of unconstitutionality against some articles of the recently sanctioned Law 284 of February 14, 2022, which regulates the horizontal property regime, was filed this Monday before the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), by the National Bar Association (CNA), through its president Juan Carlos Araúz.
The presentation of this legal resource, according to Araúz, is given after the CNA received different concerns about professionals who practice on their own account and who remain under the protection of the liberal professions and who have detected a series of regulations that restrict the rights of professionals who are owners of real estate units.
The Horizontal Property Regime has as guiding principles to ensure the maintenance, health, safety and conservation of private property and common property that coexist within the horizontal property.
In order for a foreign reinsurer to offer its services in Panama, the first step to be taken is to submit a formal request.
In the development of the economic activity of any company, there are fluctuations that make it necessary to hire workers for a certain period of time.
One of the main bets of the Latin American Stock Exchange (Latinex) is to turn Panama into an international capital hub.
The Exchange wants to position itself as an alternative for issues that are aimed at international investors through the U.S. market, but which are also sometimes listed in other jurisdictions, such as Luxembourg or Singapore.