When a domestic worker provides his services on a holiday or national day of mourning, he must be remunerated with a surcharge of 100% on his daily wage. For example, if the daily salary is B/.10.00, the corresponding surcharge is B/. 10.00, which you must pay as an additional payment to his corresponding biweekly payment.
On the other hand, when the domestic worker works on a Sunday or the agreed day for his weekly rest, he deserves the payment of a surcharge of 50% on his daily wage. Following the example above, the surcharge will be B/.5.00.
When we are facing a bridge day (public holiday moved to a Monday), the payment is different. For example, if November 10 falls on a Sunday, November 11 becomes a day off from work. In these cases, if the domestic worker works on Monday, he must be paid with a surcharge of 50%.
What if that worker also worked on Sunday, which was a holiday? You must pay both the surcharge for work on Sunday and in turn, the surcharge for work on a national holiday or national day of mourning. Following our example: The value of the working day is B/. 10.00, to this, the surcharge of the day Sunday (50% on his rate per hour) is added that is, B /.5.00, which gives us a total B /. 15.00 and to this we apply the surcharge of 100% for work on national holiday, that is, B/. 15.00. The value of that working day was B/. 30.00 only for the surcharge.
To calculate the daily salary, the monthly salary is divided by 4.33, an equation equivalent to the number of weeks a month has. The result is divided by 48 hours that includes the regular working day per week if you work on a full Saturday, and thus you get to the hourly wage. Then that is multiplied by 8 hours to get the daily salary. For example: If the agreed monthly salary is B/. 500.00, it is divided by 4.333, and the total is in turn divided by 48. In this example, the calculation would be B/.2.40 x 8 hours = 19.23 a day.
While it is true that domestic workers are not subject to an eight (8) hour working schedule, for the calculations to be accurate, the Ministry of Labor notes that the daily working day must be calculated based on eight (8) hours.
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