Insurance, Insurance liability, Accident insurance, Life insurance, Insurance requirements, Technical standards and specifications, Superintendencia de Seguros y Reaseguros de Panamá, Insurance and Reinsurance Superintendence of Panama
Pursuant to Article 5, Number 1 of Decree-Law 9 of 1998, it is the Superintendency’s duty to ensure that the soundness and efficiency of the banking system is maintained;
Following the issuance of Decree-Law No. 2 of February 22, 2008, the Executive Branch prepared a systematic arrangement in the form of a Single Text of Decree-Law No. 9 of February 26, 1998, and all its amendments.
That Decree Law 2 of February 22, 2008 amends Decree Law 9 of 1998, which reforms the banking system and creates the Superintendency of Banks.