Which updates the duties of the Users of the Electronic Invoicing System of Panama and the deadlines for non-active users within the pilot plan.
Which updates the duties of the Users of the Electronic Invoicing System of Panama and the deadlines for non-active users within the pilot plan.
Returning to face-to-face work during the pandemic has become yet another challenge for companies seeking – and in some cases, needing – to keep their workers in the office.
In this regard, it is essential to maintain a conducive environment to avoid any contagion and promote a dynamic of productivity.
Port movement at Panama’s Pacific terminals has doubled, generating greater challenges in daily operations.
In fiscal year 2015, before the inauguration of the new locks, the Panama Canal recorded 758 port movements of container vessels of neopanamax and panamax plus dimensions, in the Pacific. By fiscal year 2021, the figure was 1,628 port movements of vessels with these dimensions.
For the next months of 2022, it is projected that the increase in maritime freight rates will continue as a consequence of the demand for transportation in the midst of the pandemic.
Cabinet Decree No. 252 (of December 30, 1971, as amended by Law No. 44 of August 12, 1995).
Approving the definitions of close community contact (family, work and social) and in the health environment and the actions to be taken to reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19 (testing, quarantine or isolation and biosecurity measures and other provisions).